daun sat (permainan terup) bahasa Inggris
- daun: foliage; leaf; sheet; leaves; vane; piece of
- sat: sabbatum; sat; saturday
- permainan daun terup: card games; card game
- daun terup: card; playing card
- permainan terup: bridge; playing card
- binaan daun terup: house of cards
- main daun terup: play cards
- menyusun daun terup: shuffle
- orang yg membahagi daun-daun terup: dealer
- terup: card game; cards; card
- daun: foliage; leaf; sheet; leaves; vane; piece of paper; blade; verdure; leafage; paper; pastern; page; leaf blade; needle; folio; axil
- amina satō: amina sato
- kəsat: rough
- lituanica sat-1: lituanicasat-1
- makoto satō (pemeran): makoto satō (actor)